The most common sign of moles is mole mounds.  These piles of dirt can range in size from only a few inches tall to almost 2 feet tall!  Moles also create shallow tunnels or runs that look like ridges running through your lawn.  If your grass feels spongy or sinks when you walk on it than you have moles.

On average we find 2-3 moles per acre.  There is no way to predict the number of moles until there is no more activity and we counted the bodies.  Moles are very active and can tunnel up to 15 feet per hour.  It is possible for 1 mole to be causing all that damage.

Moles live off of worms, grubs and other insects. And they eat upwards of 60% of their body weight per day.  We find that heavily watered lawns, areas of grass near rivers, lakes and bodies of water often have an abundance of food for moles.  Lots of inquiring customers believe that moles are eating the roots of their plants and vegetables, this is not true.  Moles do get into flower beds but the damage done to plants is caused by moles tunneling through them to get to a food source.

Moles spend most of their lives underground, they live in damp soil, usually in our yards.  Moles build tunnels generally 4-6 inches below the surface of your lawn, although we have found runs as deep as 18 inches. The moles spend their days tunneling, searching for food and creating massive mole hills to excavate the dirt out of their way.  Heavily watered and manicured lawns make a perfect home for moles.  The reason being is the food!

Unfortunately, yes.  There are existing mole tunnels in your lawn and a new mole will eventually find them. Most of the time it takes 6-12 months for moles to return. There is no way to predict when they will reappear but when they do we are here to help.

Aside from the annoying destruction of your manicured lawn moles can cause serious damage to your home.   Moles can damage roots of plants and trees particularly when newly planted.  Sprinkler heads can be uprooted and we have even seen underground water lines warp.  Moles can also undermine sidewalks, pavers, driveways and in extreme cases the foundation of your home causing cracks and unwanted damage.  We have even found moles inside crawl spaces.

We will notify you of the capture and in we will leave the mole at your property.  We either place the dead mole in the garbage, yard waste or we bury the mole in the yard and mark it with a marking flag.  Moles decompose quickly when left underground.

We do like to meet our customers but it is not required that you are home. We just need access to the areas that require service and details such as gate codes.

We recommend that you use a rake to spread the pile of dirt out and get it loose and then use a leaf blower to spread the dirt over the yard.  This method saves the grass that was under the mound.  For shallow tunnels you can crush the tunnels by walking on them or using a roller.  In some cases more soil will have to be brought in to fill low spots.

The simplest answer is to call us and let us handle the dirty work.  We hear all kinds of failed methods and attempts at eradicating moles.  Everything from attaching a hose to a cars exhaust and running the hose into the tunnels to flushing the tunnels out with water.  No, these methods do not work and in some cases can make the mole problem worse. Give us a call and we would be happy to talk about effective mole extermination methods.

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